Online resources to make your job easier
Tube Fittings Pocket Guide
The Swagelok Tube Fitting Pocket Guide is your one stop location for all Tube Fitting information, including pressure ratings, installation instructions and a complete part number resource for your installation staff.
Electronic Catalogue - eDTR
The Swagelok eDTR provides all Swagelok catalogues, technical bulletins, installation instructions, videos, archives and more right at your fingertips. All information is stored and indexed for easy access.
Tube Fitters Manual
The Swagelok Tube Fittings Manual is a result of extensive field research and laboratory studies conducted by Swagelok's research and development engineers, plus feedback we've received over the years from our customers.
Thread ID Reference
Identifying the correct thread can help reduce leakage, fugitive emissions and associated costs, industry demands leak free connections. Crucial to these demands are correctly identified and installed pipe thread connections.
Hose Guide
The Swagelok hose pocket guide is designed to help make your hose selection experience as seamless as possible. Explaining hose specifications, handling and installation, applications, and much more.
VCR Micro Fit Pocket Guide
The VCR & Microfit Pocket Guide assists with Technical Data related to Micro Fit weld fittings and VCO Metal Gasket face seal fittings, including full installation instructions and all part number configurations.
What's new @ Swagelok
Swagelok's dedicated You Tube channel shares "How To" instructional videos, product information, application details, safety guidelines, customer testimonials and much more. Visit and subscribe today.
Swagelok Instagram
Swagelok Australia & New Zealand have now launched a dedicated Instagram channel sharing "How To" instructional videos, product information, training information and much more. Visit and subscribe today.
Swagelok Linkedin
Swagelok Australia & New Zealand have a Linkedin page, sharing latest information, career opportunities, company news, product & training information and much more. Visit and subscribe today.