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Swagelok Australia & New Zealand

Your Authorised Swagelok Sales and Service Centres

Gas Distribution Systems

Pre-designed, easy to use regulator panels

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Swagelok Essentials Training

Fitting and Bending Essentials

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Evaluation and Advisory Services

Improve efficiency & reliability of you plant.

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Customisable to your specific needs.

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Swagelok Australia & New Zealand are your local Sales and Service Centres for Swagelok.

Let Swagelok become your trusted partner, helping you with all your fluid system needs. We can assist with the highest quality products, installation training, system evaluation & advisory support and comprehensive fabrication services to meet a wide range of applications and industries. 

Fluid System Technologies (E.S.) Pty Ltd trading as Swagelok Australia provide fluid system components and services to Queensland, New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, Northern Territory, Western Australia, Papua New Guinea and New Caledonia. 

Fluid System Technologies NZ Ltd trading as Swagelok New Zealand, provide fluid system components and services to New Zealand and Pacific Islands. 


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Your Local Swagelok Sales and Service Centre


Swagelok Australia

42 Metrolink Circuit
Campbellfield, Melbourne
Victoria 3061
Ph +61 3 9303 2100


Swagelok New Zealand

111 Kerwyn Avenue
East Tamaki
Auckland 2013

Ph +64 9 273 2720

For location maps and hours of operation

Service Area

All Australia states and territories, Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania, ACT, Queensland, South Australia, Northern Territory and Western Australia.

The countries of New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia & Pacific Islands.